Installing Engage on WIX

The first is to install your chat widget by adding HTML to your page.

Here are the instructions for adding HTML widgets:

Now that you know how to add HTML to your WIX page, if you want to add chat to your entire WIX site, you will need to add the WIX HTML box (containing your Engage embed code) to your site footer.

Step 1: Follow the HTML widgets instructions above from WIX
Step 2: Make sure that your Engage widget (in your Engage Dashboard > Edit Account > Widgets) is set to the "Bottom Right Tab" option or the "Bottom Left" tab option.
Step 3: Resize your HTML box until you can see the Engage chat widget.
Step 4: Go to your site footer, right click, select and enable "Freeze Position"
Step 5: Grab your HTML box and slowly drag it right above your WIX site footer and you'll notice a white button the pops up that say "Move to Footer". Click on that button the the HTML Box will now show up in your footer.
Step 6: Position the HTML box at the top of the footer by grabbing the HTML box and positioning the visible widget at the top of the footer.
Step 7: Select "save" and "publish"

TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: If you can NOT see your Engage widget, but you see the HTML box, try expanding the box until you see the widget appear.